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Independent Province of Dalow

The Independent Province of Dalow (dalUlotdionbeSirdicadicata) is a county in Kulpania, bordered by Minletor to the east, Straletor to the south, and Juttex to the north-east. The county's largest city, by definition, is Dalow, and the Dalow Provincial Council sits at their offices on Fintig Lane. Everything inside of the IPD is defined as being Dalow, and everything outside of the province is not Dalow.

At the 2016 census, the Independent Province had a population of 3,487,297, with Dalow City having a population of 342,441. Dalow Transport Services manages all public transportation inside the city, notably running the Dalow Metro and buses, but not the city's heavy rail, which is instead operated by KulpanRail. Since the Dalow Metro stretches outside of the border of the Province, this means that some transport outside of the Province is managed by groups based inside it, which has led to some controversy in past years.


The Independent Province of Dalow was formed in the 1941 County Change, when the neighbouring counties of Juttex, Minletor, and Straletor lost land inside the city. This reorganisation of the country's counties was mainly spurred on by Juttex Council's apparent disregard for the up-keep of ancient buildings in the central areas of Dalow, as they were allocating all of their budget on projects outside of the city. The formation of the Province also brought the formation of special utility companies for the city alone. Before the change, utilities in the city were managed by three different companies as the borders of the three previous counties cut through the city awkwardly. This led to many problems, as there were numerous power lines and sewerage systems spanning the city, which all required demolition of buildings and the removal of area for building. From 1941 onwards, the Dalow Utilities group reverted these problems: removing power lines and focusing on improving the lives of city residents.

One of the first goals of the Provincial Council was to improve transportation infrastructure in the city, as before them city transport was abysmal. Since the city was in three separate counties, transportation was not able to cross the boundaries, so travelling across the city would require multiple interchanges between different transport companies. The Provincial Council formed Dalow Transport Services in 1943, and the group immediately began a reform on the city's transport, unifying all buses and road maintenance companies into one. The group also began work on the Dalow Metro system in 1952, as it became quickly apparent that even with the merging of the distinct public transportation companies having occured, there was still not enough transportation options for residents. The system opened in 1958, and has expanded vastly since its original opening.